Christian Francois Gagnon
I would like to introduce you to Christian Francois Gagnon. He was born on Feb 17th at 12:43a. He was 8.13 lbs and 21 in long.
His birth was absolutely perfect. We went to the hospital at 7:30a on Feb 16th and we were granted the approval to birth him naturally, as his doctor felt that his vital stats were strong enough to move forward with our birth plan. We labored for a total of 16 hours (surrounded by Barton and Gagnon family members) and he came into the world healthy and perfect.
Having spent the last few days with this precious little man, I can honestly say that he is a calm and relaxed little soul. He is very easy going and a big fan of a
good nap.
I promise to post more pictures and update with status updates. For now, I would just like to introduce you to the newest addition to the Gagnon family.
Beth and Phill